We offer five major services that are tailored to provide the utmost care.
Residential Living (Group Home)
Residential Living (Group Home) Our homes offer a safe comfortable, family oriented living situations in residential neighborhoods in Show Low, Lakeside, Casa Grande & Prescott, AZ.Services are dedicated to promoting personal independence while protecting individuals from harm and respecting the dignity and lifestyle choices of [...]
Community Day Programs
Community Day Programs TLC provides community-based day program services. The majority of the individuals who utilize our day program services are also residents of our Residential Group Homes. These community-based day program services include supervision, monitoring, training, education, demonstration, support to assist with the acquisition and [...]
Individually Designed Living Arrangements
Individually Designed Living Arrangements (IDLA) Room & Board with IDLA We provide supported living services to individuals functioning in the mild to moderate range of intellectual disability. Focus is on skill attainment and independent living skills as well as a strong emphasis on community [...]
Home and Community Based Services
Home and Community Based Services Respite Care (Hourly & Daily) Are you the parent, guardian, primary caregiver of a child or adult who has a developmental disability? If so, you may be in need of a vacation, weekend, time for shopping, a movie or [...]
Adult Developmental Home Providers
Adult Developmental Home Providers Adult Developmental Home Providers are a much needed and integral part of a unique support system. They assist and guide individuals with developmental disabilities in meaningful ways that will benefit them now and in the future. As an Adult Developmental [...]